The South Face of the External Wall - 6

The South Face of the External Wall - 6

The sixth part of the South Face has twelve images. They are, from the right :
1. Unable to be identified because it is damaged.
2. DURGAA  (ದುರ್ಗಾ) ( damaged ) with a bhakta to the right and a lion to the left.
3. Sthaanaka four armed DURGAA (ದುರ್ಗಾ)- sword, spear, noose ( paasha ) and bowl.
4. SHIVA (ಶಿವ) standing as VAJRABHOOTA (ವಜ್ರಭೂತ) ( javelin, trident, drum, broken hand ). Inscription in KANNADA : VAJRABHOOTA (ವಜ್ರಭೂತ)
5, 6, 7. Female images ( damaged )
8. Three-headed beardless BRAHMA ( damaged ). Kannada inscription : BRAHMA (ಬ್ರಹ್ಮ)
9. Three headed sthanaka SARASVATI (ಸರಸ್ವತೀ).
10. Female attendant with a chaamara (ಚಾಮರ).
11. DURGAA standing as SHAARADAA (ಶಾರದಾ) [ Chinmudra, trishoola, damaru ( drum ) and pustaka ].
12. CHITRASENA ( ಚಿತ್ರಸೇನ), damaged. Kannada inscription, CHITRASENA ( ಚಿತ್ರಸೇನ ).


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