The North Face of the Exterior Wall
The North Face of the Exterior Wall |
There are thirteen images in the North Face of the Outer walls of the temple. The images are ( commencing from your right ) :
1. HARIHARA with a DAMARU (ಡಮರು) in the upper right hand and a CHAKRA (ಚಕ್ರ) i.e., discus in the upper left hand. The lower hands are broken.
2. The consort of HARIHARA.
3,4,5,6 and 7.
The 5th i.e., the central image is that of aaseena NAARAAYANA (ನಾರಾಯಣ) in SUKHAASANA. There is a Kannada inscription which reads : NAARAAYANA. The 6th image is that of SHREEYAADEVI (ಶ್ರೀಯಾದೇವಿ). The Kannada inscription below reads : SHREEYAADEVI. The 7th image is that of a female attendant i.e., a CHAURI bearer.
To the left of NAARAAYANA is BHOODEVI (ಭೂದೇವಿ) (image 4 ). There is a Kannada inscription which reads : BHOODEVI. Image 3 is that of a female attendant or CHAURI bearer.
8. Chaturbhuja sthaanaka VAISHNAVI (ವೈಷ್ಣವೀ) who holds in her lower right hand PADMA, in the upper right hand CHAKRA, in the upper left hand SHANKHA, and in the lower left hand PHALA ( the image is damaged ).
9. Chaturbhuja SHIVA standing as CHITRADHARA (ಚಿತ್ರಧರ). The lower right hand is broken. In the upper right hand is found a TRISHOOLA and in the upper left hand, a DAMARU. The lower left hand is in ABHAYA MUDRA. The Kannada inscription reads : CHITRADHARA (ಚಿತ್ರಧರ).
10. Goddess ( broken )
11. Chaturbhuja aaseena PAARVATEE . The lower right hand is broken while in the other three she holds goad, paasha and phala.
12. Goddess ( broken )
13. Kneeling GARUDA (ಗರುಡ) with folded hands.
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