North Face ( second part ) of the Exterior Wall

North Face ( second part ) of the Exterior Wall This Face has fifteen images. Commencing from the right they are as follows : 1. Three-headed seated DEVI. She has in her lower right hand an AKSHAMAALA and in her lower left hand PAASHA. The other two hands are broken. 2. Four armed aaseena DURGAA with AKSHAMAALA, TRISHOOLA, DAMARU and BOWL. 3. Four armed aseena DEVI with AKSHAMAALA, GADE ( mace ), JAVELIN and PHALA. 4. VAISHNAVEE (ವೈಷ್ಣವೀ) with SHANKHA, PADMA, GADA and CHAKRA. 5. Four armed sthaanaka SHIVA with the lower right hand in ABHAYA MUDRA. In the upper right hand is held a TRISHOOLA (ತ್ರಿಶೂಲ), in the upper left hand is held a DAMARU and in the lower left hand a PHALA. 6. Male attendant standing with a MACE in the right hand. 7. A female attendant with a CHAAMARA (ಚಾಮರ) 8. NORTH NICHE supported by a SALA GROUP on either side. 9. Female attendant. 10.Male attendant with ABHAYA and GADA. 11. Four armed DEVI. In her lower right hand is AKSHAMAALA an...