Navaranga - 1

Nandi in the Navaranga

Note : Photography is not allowed inside. The above photo was taken from outside the door.

The NAVARANGA is a big hall. Its DOORWAY has DVAARAPAALAKAS on its jambs. They are supported by chaamara (ಚಾಮರ) bearing attendandants. On the lintel is found UMAAMAHESHVARA (ಉಮಾಮಹೇಶ್ವರ). In the western part of this hall are found six niches with towers above them. The niches contain ( from the left, clockwise ) :
1. A SAPTAMAATRIKA PANEL with VAAHANAAS and TORANAS. There is an image of VEERABHADRA to the right and GANESHA to the left.
2. Aaseena SHAARADAA with AKSHAMAALA (ಅಕ್ಷಮಾಲ), ANKUSHA (ಅಂಕುಶ), PAASHA (ಪಾಶ) and PUSTAKA as attributes.
4. MAHISHASURAMARDINI ( ಮಹಿಷಾಸುರಮರ್ದಿನಿ ) with sword, TRISHOOLA, CHAKRA,  ARROW, SHANKHA, buckler ( ಗುರಾಣಿ )and bowl. She is spearing
 the demon and holding the demon's hair.
6. Sthaanaka KESHAVA.

In the center of the hall is a beautifully carved bull ( a photo taken from outside is seen above ).


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