The Twin Temples at Mosale (ಮೊಸಳೆ)

The Twin Temples at Mosale (ಮೊಸಳೆ)

MOSALE is a village which lies almost midway between HASSAN and HOLENARASIPUR, in  Karnataka. It is about 15 kilometres from both the places.  From Mysore it is about 110 kms via Holenarasipura and from Bangalore about 190kms via Shravanabelgola. To the west of the village, about 3 kilometres from the  Railway station is a rising ground on which are found the two temples : NAAGESHVARA (ನಾಗೇಶ್ವರ) and CHANNAKESHAVA (ಚನ್ನಕೇಶವ). The two temples (the photo above shows the rear portion of the two temples) resemble each other in design. They face east. If you stand facing the temples, the temple to your left is the NAAGESHVARA (ನಾಗೇಶ್ವರ) and the one to your right is the CHANNAKSHAVA. Both the temples have a GARBHA GRIHA, a SHUKANAASI, a NAVARANGA and a MUKHA MANTAPA (ಮುಖಮಂಟಪ). Both the temples have a beautiful stone tower. The temples are  built out of soap-stone and are very ornate.


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